
OSU Faculty Club - a fun visit to a great venue

Now here is a great venue for weddings and other events in Columbus, Ohio, the OSU Faculty Club. It shares a field bordering Browning Amphitheater and Mirror Lake, so you have easy access to both. As a wedding officiant - sometimes called a wedding minister, I recently had the honor of performing 2 ceremonies, one at each place. Actually, it started to rain (pour) at the wedding at Browning Amphitheater, so we moved that one inside the Faculty club, but that is a separate story soon to come! Shall we have a look inside the Club?







                                                                          By design, I ran into the catering manager, Liz Groff. Somehow I convinced her to vote for me in the November 2010 elections, although I was not running for any office, whatsoever. As you can tell, Liz is carrying precious cargo yet she keeps right on with her job. Liz is a great lady and I enjoyed working with her at that rainy wedding mentioned before. More to come on that, but she handled it marvelously!

In this shot, Layne Fulks, Assistant Catering Manager joins us for some relaxation and enjoyment. These ladies are a lot of fun and our visit was a blast. To find out more about what the Faculty Club has to offer contact Liz at 614-292-2262 or email her at To contact Layne call 614-292-2262 or email her at



This last photo is just for show. I thought it was pretty cool looking and it does come from inside the Faculty Club.  It's inverted and the top portion showing is a reflection.















All photos in this entry are courtesy of Rebekah King (yes, my awesome daughter) at Open Prism Photography. Rebekah's phone number is 614-653-9082, if you would like more info about her work.

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